We Are All Kin to the Cove 

We Are All Kin to the Cove, is a site-specific performance and theater intensive that came out of a collaboration between The Remote 

Theater Project and Kin to the Cove.   The performance was a community powered performance, where community members of all experiences and ages came together to create a site-specific performance.  This project happened over a course of two in a half week. Where we met almost daily to create scenes, choreography and monologues to demonstrate different aspects of the cove. Such as the objects, history and current events. We did this to bring awareness to the site and the performance of 36pt5/ A Durational Performance of the Sea. 

Thank you: 

The Astoria Film Festival 


Kin to the Cove 

Soulfully Infused 

Nina Jakobson 

Megan Masciano 

Desiree Genao 

Eryn Peritz 

Nicole Ulloa